April 3, 2005 Welcome to April everyone! I hope you remembered to change your clocks today! Spring Forward!
Jacob News...No seizures in a week! How wonderful it is to say that! I got in touch with Jacob's Neurologist. He looked at the Phenobarbital level taken at the ER last week and found it to be too low, so he increased the dose. I will take J to the Pediatrician in two weeks for a level check and go from there. For the last few days, J has been feverish on and off. At this point, I think it is due to teething, but I am not perfectly sure. Brett and I have been watching him close and will call his Pediatrician Monday if he still isn't feeling better.
Saturday afternoon J visited with his Grandma and Grandpa Smith, as well as his uncle Curt and Cousin Alec, who were all in town for Alec's hockey tournament. We had a late lunch of Long John Silvers and hung out for a while until Alec's afternoon game. It was very nice to see the family.
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April 8, 2005 It's been a good week here in Fighter Land. Jacob's cold is still lingering, but he is feeling much better. On Tuesday, Jacob went to see his Ophthalmologist, Dr. Johnson. Brett took him to the appointment so I could stay home and get homework done. Brett told Dr. J that Jacob hasn't been wearing his glasses (or contact lens because we lost it and are waiting for a new one), because he pulls them off his face. After an examination, Dr. Johnson agreed with Brett that the glasses are not helping Jacob and said he didn't have to wear them anymore. He would still like J to wear the contact lens (in the right eye); because he wants to stimulate the brain with whatever vision, he may have, even if only a small amount.
Brett and I have come to terms with the fact that Jacob is blind. He may have some light perception, but we won't know anything for sure until he can tell us himself. Maybe the future will hold a medical breakthrough that will help him, but we won't hold our breath. We know we are blessed with our beautiful, strong, miracle of a son. We know times will be hard, teaching him about the world and showing him how to get through each day without sight, but we have come this far and will only become stronger each day as a family.
In Mom News.... I begged Brett to let me purchase a laptop with part of our tax return and after much reservation, he said yes! I bought a brand new Dell laptop and am really enjoying it. I like being able to do homework (my classes are online) comfortably on the couch or at the dining room table, while J plays nearby. Another thing I will be able to do with my new toy is start writing my book. I will begin soon (Probably after finals) and will write a little each day until it is complete. I will keep you up to date on my progress!
April 14, 2005 This morning I nursed Jacob through another seizure and high fever. The seizure was mild compared to those of the past couple months, but scary nonetheless. I waited longer than usual before giving him Diastat, because I wasn't perfectly sure he was seizing. Within five minutes of getting the medication, he stopped trembling and arching his back. Soon thereafter, the fever showed up. Tylenol, cool water and patients did the trick. I feel so bad for my Fighter. I called his neurologist's office this afternoon and they requested a blood sample to check J's Phenobarbital level. I am taking him to his Pediatrician in the morning and so I will have them take a sample then. After calling the neurologist, I called his pediatrician concerned about the yellow tint to his skin. I thought perhaps it was his diet, but lying off the yellow veggies hasn't changed things, so I am taking him in to be checked out.
To everyone who has sponsored me in this year's Walk America for March of Dimes...I thank you so much for your support. This is my first year taking part in the event (needless today the past two years have been more than eventful).
For those of you who have purchased Saving Babies Bracelets through our site, they should arrive within the next week or two and I will mail them to you when they do. If you haven't ordered any, and would like to, please go to the Bracelet Order page for information!
April 19, 2005 I have lots of Fighter News to share with you!
Jacob had blood work done Friday to check his Phenobarbital level. Today a nurse (at the Pediatrician's office) told me the level looked normal, but she would call if the Doctor thought otherwise. I will be calling the Neurologists office to follow up. I would like to know what other tests will be done to find the reason for the breakthrough seizures.
Also on Friday, after his appointment, Grandma Horton and I took Jacob to the Zoo for the first time. He didn't have fun feeding the animals, but had a great time kicking back in the stroller and listening to all the cool animal sounds. We took a few pictures; check them out on the Photo Gallery.
Saturday night I decided to take Jacob to the NICU for a visit. I purposely took him in the evening in hopes of catching the night shift workers (whom Jacob hasn't seen since he left in January 2004). Well, I picked a great night because most of his old nurses, including Patty who admitted him the day he was born, were there. Also, working was Jacob's NICU Doctor, Dr. Roan. He was able to visit with us for about 15 minutes. He is so happy to see how big and healthy Jacob is. I thanked him and the nurses again for all they did for Jacob and for Brett and I. Thank God for those wonderful people!
Sunday afternoon Grandma and Grandpa Horton came to our house for a nice BBQ. While Brett cooked the chops, I set up Jacob's new outside swing. A swing set left behind by the previous owners provided the perfect spot for it. And as you will see in the pictures, Jacob had a great time! After dinner, all of us sat in the backyard enjoying the wonderful weather and talking about life!
Thanks again to everyone who has sponsored me in the March of Dimes Walk America, as well as those who have purchased bracelets! Your support means so much!
April 22, 2005 Poor Jacob is sick again! On Tuesday, he had a runny nose, then Wednesday and Thursday he began breathing heavily and coughing. I took him to his Pediatrician, Dr. H., Thursday afternoon. She listened to his lungs, looked in his ears and mouth, then sent me to another building to have a chest x-ray done. She wanted to make sure he wasn't developing pneumonia. I returned to Dr. H's office with the x-ray films and she looked at them. He had some gunk, but no sign of pneumonia. To be on the safe side, she gave Jacob a breathing treatment in the office and sent a machine home for home treatments. When Dr. H looked at J's ears, she saw redness in both and fluid in the right, so she prescribed antibiotics for that. Poor kid!
Also on Thursday, I heard back from the neurologist's office about J's Phenobarb level. Since it is on the low side, I was told to increase his dose by 1/2 a pill each night. Another blood check will be done in a few weeks. It's been a week since his last seizure and I hope that with the increase in his meds, he won't have another one, not for a while at least.
Please keep the little guy in your prayers! He's been through so much and is such a trooper! :)
April 27, 2005 Jacob is feeling much better! It's Mommy who is sick now! Each time Jacob gets sick, so do I.
The Fighter has done some amazing things this week! He crawled and said "mama." The first time he crawled was on Saturday at Grandma and Grandpa Horton's house. I didn't see him that time, but I did Monday night at home. He goes forward one or two feet then sits up! It's just awesome! And when he said "mama," my heart melted! He is very vocal already, but hasn't made out words until now. Tonight when Brett told him "no" for rocking and hitting his head (repeatedly on the coffee table), he whimpered and said "mamamama." It was hilarious! (Note: Due to his vision loss, J likes to find things with his head, which is normal, but he will find things like a wall or table while playing on the floor and then start rocking and hitting his head over and over. We were advised by his therapists not to allow him to do that.)
This week has been good so far! We are looking forward to the March of Dimes "Walk America" this Saturday! Thanks again to those who have sponsored me!
April 30, 2005 This morning was the March of Dimes 'Walk America' event! Although I went alone (Brett stayed home with Jacob because it was chilly outside), I had a great time. I met a fellow preemie mom and chatted with her and her son's nurse along the 4-mile trail. With your help, I was able to raise $150 for MOD! Thanks to everyone who sponsored me!