Jacob's Story

Jacob “The Fighter” Smith was born 111 days premature on September 4, 2003, weighing one pound, three ounces. He spent the first four months of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) battling infections, undergoing numerous surgeries; fighting for his life. Doctors gave him a 60-70% chance of survival. Every day was touch and go.

One-day-old Jacob holding his Mom and Dad's hands.

His eyelids were fused until he was one month old. Mom and Dad could not hold him until he was five weeks old. But he was, and still is, a fighter. After 126 days in the hospital, Jacob came home.

Close to Mom's Heart.

He did not come home unscathed though. Due to his prematurity, Jacob lost his vision and suffers from epilepsy. He spent many nights in and out of the hospital during his first few years of life due to upper-respiratory illnesses and prolonged seizures.

At the age of six, with the encouragement of his Neurologist, genetic testing was ordered for Jacob and his parents to determine whether underlying conditions could have caused his early birth and other medical issues. A few weeks later, they learned that Jacob had two chromosome abnormalities. Mom and dad are not carriers. The same year, Jacob was diagnosed with moderate/severe Austism Spectrum Disorder. He is non-verbal.

Jacob’s love, more than anything else, is music. He favors classic rock, but also enjoys some modern day beats. Some of his favorite artists include The Beatles, ZZ Top, Eric Clapton, James Taylor, Jack Johnson, Ben Folds and of course, the music of his new buddy, Tyler Gregory.


  1. O que dizer? Não teria...Mas posso dizer: Aprendo com estes corações que estão tão distantes, talvez nunca os conhecerei...mas que escuto o seu bater, com ritmo de vida...com cor do respirar...Lindo! Beijo e abraço bem apertado...


  2. His story is amazing and he is an example of hope for all us. God bless you all and thanks for sharing your story.

    Greetings from Argentina


  3. Jacob's Mom and Dad are so busy, I am Grandma Smith and want to update y'all on J's recent activities. Until last summer he enjoyed horse therapy, I believe stating at 3 years old. Three years ago a brother was born, yup, full term and fully functioning. A photo of Jacob looking with his hands at his brother's face is my fav my favorite moment is when he walked across my living room, Trish and Brett, had not told me he had started to walk. Seeing him get off the school bus with his cane told me J's growing up. Recently an application to Make a Wish Foundation, gave the whole family a trip to San Diego meet Jack Johnson, one of J's fav's. He welcomed them with genuine hospitality, serenading the family on the sidewalk in front of the venue. I love you, Jacob. Love and Prayers to you, your mom and dad and brother!!
