April 9, 2006 Oh my, I went a while without updating! It's been good in Fighter Land, a bit busy in the last couple weeks, but all in a good way! Jacob has been healthy, thank God! He will start home therapy in a few weeks and then return to center-based (school) in the fall! We are praying the break, and the nice weather, with help his immune system.
Well, I'm at it again....I am doing another redesign of the website! It's going to have several new pages! I've been working on it a lot and hope to have it up in the next several days! It's just so much fun to do!
The speech for March of Dimes went very well. Thankfully Brett and my friend Kim came along, so I wasn't so nervous. Brett and Jacob came up with me, I told his story, and we returned to our seats. It was a very relaxed atmosphere! I had fun! It's always a pleasure telling people about my Fighter!
Alrighty, I'm off! Time to go to the movies!! Jacob's awesome Aunt Pam is babysitting for us!
April 25, 2006 It's taken me a little while, but as you can see, I have the newly designed site up and running. Take a look around! I hope you enjoy it. I am still working it, so bear with me!
In Jacob news... The Fighter has been feeling good (knock on wood) and has started doing some new things! He now know how to "bear crawl" or get on around on his hands and feet. He goes all over the house, its adorable. And because he can't see, he does run into things, but he just turns and keeps on going, bump on the head and all! He's amazing!
In Mom news... On April 29th, I will be leaving for sunny southern California (where I grew up) for a week-long vacation....without Jacob or Brett! I will be going with my best bud Katie. It will be my first time away from Jacob for more than 24 hours...I'm scared! don't get me wrong, I am very excited for a break, for some "me time," but I will miss my boys very much!
In Dad news... While I am away in California, Brett will be on vacation too, at home with Jacob to spend some real quality "guy time." He is really looking forward to the one-on-one time with Jacob, as well as some time away from work!
More updates to come!
April 26, 2006 I hope you like the new look of the site. I really enjoy designing it for my Fighter! I'm still touching it up here and there, but Jacob will be starting home therapy in May. Since we have taken him out of school until the fall, he had to return to home therapy in the meantime. He needs to have all the intervention possible, even while he's out of school. We look forward to it thought, because Jacob enjoys his time with his therapists.
I am excited to share with you that I have been hired to write another article for Preemie Magazine. I am working on the piece now and will keep you informed of its publication! :)
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