Sunday, May 1, 2005

May 2005

May 6, 2005 Forgive me for not getting the site updated sooner, this week had me busy with term papers and finals! It will be nice to have a three week break before the summer semester starts! 

It's been a good week for the Fighter! He's been feeling well and is really starting to show his personality. What I once took as irritability from teething is actually a Fighter Fit! He could very well be teething, but as time has passed, Brett and I see more and more how his true colors are coming out! It is so cool to see him react to certain things. He is making more sounds along with the "mama," like, "baba" and lots of singing and grunting! So cute! We are still working with him on walking and crawling and although he can be stubborn at times, he is doing well with both. I am very happy to report that since the seizure medication was increased, he hasn't had any seizures (knock on wood)! We look forward to the weather staying nice so we can get him outside to play! We plan to take him to the Sedgwick County Zoo, the park, and when I start gardening, he can play in his playpen! 

May 12, 2005 Wow! Over 40 Saving Babies bracelets have been sold through JTF so far! That's an additional $20 that we are going to donate to March of Dimes! Thanks so much!

Early Saturday morning, Jacob had another mild seizure. I called his neurologist's office Monday. Dr. S ordered a Phenobarbital level check and wants to see him this week. Yesterday I took J to his Pediatrician's office to have the lab drawn, but a communication error left us sitting for over an hour without the proper orders. We left and will go back today. Hopefully the lab results will be complete in time for J's appointment with Dr. S tomorrow. I am going to ask him what other tests can be done to determine what the problem is. The medication has helped, but for J to have episodes every few weeks, it is obviously not enough.

I haven't taken any new pictures of Jacob, or anyone else for that matter, due to how hectic things have been the past two weeks. Don't worry, with the weather becoming nicer we will get J out in his swing, to the park, the zoo and take tons-o-new-pics!

May 17, 2005 I hope everyone had a great weekend! Ours was busy, but really fun!

Last Wednesday Jacob had an appointment with his retina doctor who, upon examination, found that the fluid in his right eye (the better eye) has decreased! Dr V. said that the decrease may or may not effect his vision, but he is hopeful. With the condition of his eye, he expects that Jacob is seeing light and shapes/shadows. His left eye remains unchanged with low probability of vision (something we have known for a long time). He doesn't feel surgery is needed right now and wants to see him again in three months. 

Last Thursday Jacob went to see his Neurologist about the breakthrough seizures. She explained to me that each child is different when taking Phenobarbital. Some need to be at a higher level then others to keep the seizures at bay. She said that since Jacob's seizures have decreased in severity, he is on his way to a therapeutic level. She has increased his dose and will check his levels again in two weeks. She hopes this will stop the seizures. If not, she will consider an alternative medication. Phenobarb is always the first choice due to its low occurrence of side effects. 

Saturday afternoon my grandparents arrived from Texas and my great aunt and uncle from Colorado. They came to town for the weekend for my sister Meagan's high school graduation. We had a lot of fun spending time together and on Sunday attending Meagan's graduation. After the graduation we had a great BBQ with family and friends. We are all so proud of Meagan! Also, Jacob had lots of attention from everyone, allowing Brett and I to have a short break!

May 23, 2005 Other than feeling crabby from teething, Jacob has had a good week. He woke last Thursday with a fever and had one this morning as well. We think he has molars coming in, poor kid! As you can see from the home page, Jacob had some fun a few nights ago munching on an Oreo cookie! What a mess! Good thing it was bath night!

I hope everyone has had a chance to look at the new albums on Yahoo! I apologize for not updating it sooner. Since all of Jacob's pictures are digital, I have begun ordering prints from the vast number of albums. Last week I ordered double prints of the first 12 albums. I will order more every couple weeks until I have prints of them all. I would like to put together a scrapbook (or two or three) of his photos, as well as all of the emails, cards and letters we have received since his birth almost two years ago. Right now I have all of his "stuff" in a box in his bedroom. I'd like to get it out and show it off!

May 27, 2005 It's been a pretty good week in Fighter Land. Other than a couple of days of irritability and a fever due to teething, Jacob has been doing great! He did not have any doctors appointments (surprised? I was!) but he did have two therapy sessions. His therapist's continue to be pleased with his progress, although they do want to see him doing more in the next year. We do too! We hope to see him walking soon and talking more! 

Coming soon....a whole new look for the website! I recently purchased new software and will reconstruct the website giving it a fun new look and a hit counter that works! Yay! :) Since I will be making the new site on my laptop, the interruption should only last a short time! I will post a note before that takes place!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

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