June 3, 2005 Hey Fighter Fans! Hope you have had a good week! On Monday, Memorial Day, Brett and I took Jacob to my parents house for a BBQ dinner. Before dinner we sat Jacob in the grass, something he hated the first time. He was fussy at first, then seamed ok with it. After a few minutes we tried putting him on his tummy, he didn't like that at all. He looked like Superman with his legs and arms off the ground- anything to keep from letting his skin touch the grass!
On Tuesday, one of Jacob's therapists came over and brought with her a neat indoor swing. It consists of a net suspended from a bar in a doorway. See the pictures in the Photo Gallery. Jacob really enjoys it and fell right to sleep the first time!
Thursday morning aunt Meagan and I took Jacob to the YMCA for swimming! Rainbows United, the organization that provides Jacob's in-home therapy, has teamed with the Y for free swimming twice a month. Due to being sick, having seizures and mommy/daddy being sick, we haven't been able to take him until now. It was a lot of fun! Jacob cried a little but did well overall. Check out the pictures on the Photo Gallery.
I am still waiting for my new software to arrive. For some reason it is taking a little longer than I expected. When it comes, I will have fun redesigning JTF!
June 8, 2005 My new web design software arrived this week and I plan to start building a brand new JTF this weekend! I would start right away, but homework comes first and due to summer consisting of a full semester crunched into two months, I am already loaded with work!
Today Jacob went to a Rainbows United remote site to work with his Occupational Therapist (who normally comes to our home). Jacob walked on a treadmill supported by a harness. At first he was irritable, but he grew to enjoy the walking. I snapped a few pictures, but due to the movement, they cam out very blurry. We will take Jacob back to work on the treadmill at least twice a month, or when the treadmill is available for use.
Lately Jacob is standing a lot more, crawling forward with a little help and also copies sounds he hears. It's really nice to see him blossom.
June 13, 2005 Our Fighter isn't feeling so good today. He has a stuffy nose and is drooling a lot so I think he is teething again. Because he didn't sleep well last night, I canceled his therapy visit for today. I'm keeping him rested and medicated so he should be feeling ok real soon.
The new site design is coming along well. I work on it off and on when I have time, aside from Jacob and homework of course! It should be done soon! I will keep the updates coming!
June 18, 2005 Happy Fathers Day Weekend to you!! Jacob (and the rest of the family) is feeling much better! Turns out he had a cold and it wasn't teething as I first thought. Actually, it could have been a combination of both! In my last post I mentioned having to cancel his therapy session for last Monday. Well, I had to cancel Thursday as well because we still weren't feeling too well. We don't want to spread germs!
I anticipate the re-designed site will be up in the next week or so. If I could dedicate an entire day to its design, it would be completed much sooner. Thanks for your patients! I know you will love the new look!
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