Monday, January 22, 2007

January 2007

January 22, 2007 It's been a long time, I know! Unfortunate computer issues left me with the task of rebuilding this web site and Wichita Preemies, from scratch! Ouch! With as busy as things have been, I have had little time to sit at the computer. Getting the site complete will take some time, but having it up again is a start!

Jacob has been doing pretty well lately, with only a few illnesses- nothing like the pneumonia he had last year which put him in the hospital for several days. He continues to attend preschool at Rainbows United and has been progressing slowly, but progress is progress. He is not talking yet, but makes many sounds and even hums songs. His walking hasn't progressed much at all. He will walk using something for stability, but does not take steps on his own (though he has in the past). And the other major issue we are working on is feeding. Jacob continues to have trouble with large pieces of food, so we have to puree or mash his food, otherwise he will gag. i know these are only minor setbacks and keeping that in mind helps Brett and I when we wonder what we are doing wrong. We aren't doing anything wrong, each child is different, especially with his needs.

I will close for now. Thank you for your continued support of Jacob and his web site!