Tuesday, December 28, 2004

December 28, 2004

I sure hope everyone's Christmas was as wonderful as ours was! We had a great time in Texas! Jacob had so much fun meeting and playing with his Great Grandparents. And of course, they had a great time with him too! We enjoyed relaxing and just spending quality time together. On Christmas Eve, we opened a few gifts with friends, and then participated in the Lords Supper at Grandma and Grandpa's Church. On Christmas, we all spent most of the day in our pj's and watched movies. Brett and I were able to take a nap, thanks to Aunts Meg and Pam for watching J. Overall, it was a very quiet trip. We had many nice talks as a family, which I really enjoy. 

I would have to say the only bad part about our trip was that Jacob, Meagan and I were all sick. Our head colds that started a week before we left, lingered into our visit. We didn't fret though, since Grandpa is a PA-C, he had all sorts of goodies to help us feel better fast! Antibiotics for my ear infection and cough medicine and decongestants for Meagan and J. Grandpa is the best!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

December 22, 2004

I am very happy to report that Jacob (and the rest of the family) is feeling much better. I was beginning to worry that he would not be well in time for us to leave for Texas. Thankfully, he is and we will be leaving as planned! We are very much looking forward to spending the holiday with my grandparents. They came up last Christmas, but J was in the NICU and due to visitation restrictions, weren't able to see him. Needless to say, they are very excited!

When we return from our holiday, we will have many pictures to share. We may even have J's picture taken with Santa! 

Merry Christmas! God bless!

Friday, December 17, 2004

December 17, 2004

Poor little J isn't feeling too well today. What Brett and I thought was a reaction to his flu shot, actually turned into a viral infection. When J received his first flu shot a month ago, he had the sniffles a few days later. This time it was a bit more than that. His breathing became rapid and his cough horse, so at 3am this morning I took him to the ER to be checked out. While there, J received a breathing treatment and chest x-ray. The breathing treatment opened up his lungs, and the x-ray was clear. After about two hours, I was told I could take him home, but to keep a close eye on his breathing. If anything got worse, to bring him back in. We made it home a little before 6am and by then he was resting comfortably. At 9am though, Brett woke me because J's fever had gone up. We used a cold cloth on his neck, which he didn't like at all, and that helped bring it down. As I write this at almost 3pm, he is sleeping in his room. 

We figured out J most likely got his cold from my sister Meagan, who also had a fever and cough this week. I also started feeling achy last night and have a stuffy nose today! Tis' the season! We hope everyone is well by Wednesday, the day we plan to leave for Texas. 

I will have more updates on the sick ones soon. I hope you are all feeling healthy! =)

Monday, December 13, 2004

December 13, 2004

In family news... After a lot of thought, Brett and I have decided it would be to our benefit if I quit my part time job and focused on home life and school. With Brett working nights, me during the day and going to school, the rough schedule has been taking its toll for some time. Irregular sleep patterns, never seeing each other, etc. We hope that me being at home will bring a nice balance to our daily lives. And since I will be at home, I have decided to increase my school load next semester. Wish me luck!

Now, in J news... Other than having the sniffles from his flu shot on Friday, J is doing great. We took his contact out for a couple days last week because his eye was looking a little red and irritated. I think the break did him good because since putting the contact back in, his eye has looked fine. Also, last week, J went to see Dr. V., who said his left eye has continued to improve. Dr. V. will perform an exam under anesthesia in January to get a better look and decided whether surgery will be needed. Later, we will take J back to Dr. J., the ophthalmologist, to see about a contact lens for his left eye. Isn't it amazing that J is now 15 months old, 11 months adjusted? He has come so far in that time! Wow.

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

December 8, 2004

Happy Holidays to ya! I just love this time of year! As I mentioned in my last entry, this is J's first Christmas at home and we plan to take him to Texas to meet his Great Grandparents for the first time! We are very excited!

J is finally getting over his cold. We are still giving him antibiotics to make sure things clear up completely, but his nose is no longer red and runny. He is still sleeping strange hours, but Brett and I are working on that! This week he has two doctors’ appointments. One with Dr. V., his retina Doc, and the other with a nurse at his pediatrician’s office to get his second flu shot! Poor baby! I will have a full report just as soon as I can! 

I am still working on getting the Guest Book back up. In the meantime feel free to email us using the link provided, or you can email me by clicking here. 

Thursday, December 2, 2004

December 2, 2004

Wow, it's December already! Where has the year gone? It is my favorite time of year; I just love the holidays and cool air! This year is going to be very special as it is J's first Christmas at home. Brett and I plan to take J to Texas to visit my Grandparents. Hopefully my parents and sisters will be coming along too (I'm not sure about my brother). It should be a very happy holiday! I can't wait to show J how to tear open his presents! 

Today J seems to be feeling much better. The antibiotics have helped a lot. His nose is raw from Brett and I wiping it, but that will get better with time. Due to his cold, we had to cancel the therapy visits he had scheduled for this week. So, no news in the therapy department! 

Monday, November 29, 2004

November 29, 2004

What a crazy couple of weeks it has been! Other than a few minor problems, our move went well and we are slowly getting everything unpacked! Our home is starting to look like a home! We are very happy and thankful! We were supposed to have home phone and internet service on Monday the 22nd, but a problem with one of the main telephone lines caused a delay. Our cell phone bill won't be pretty this month!

Jacob is doing great! He has a cold/ ear infection right now, but with antibiotics and some antihistamines, he will be better in no time! He seems to like the new house, especially the big kitchen were he plays in his walker! His sleeping patterns are a little whacky right now, but we know he will get back to his normal schedule when he starts feeling better. 

You may have noticed that the guestbook is no longer on the website. I have removed it because I was having some trouble with it. If I can fix the problem, it will be back up soon. If not, there's always email right? =)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

November 17, 2004

As noted on the Home Page, Jacob went to a VI (Visually Impaired) playgroup at Rainbows United Tuesday evening. He did great considering he had not napped all day. He played with some neat toys, felt feathers and interacted with another child. By the time we left, he was asleep! 

Yesterday Brett noticed J has top teeth coming in! Well, they are just below the gum, but are visible. Right now, he has two in on the bottom. One is all the way in; the other is just coming through the gum! What a cute grin he will have soon! (Not that is isn't cute now!)

In Family news...today is a very exciting day! Brett and I will be closing on the house! The final walk-through will be in the morning and then closing this afternoon. Also today, J has a therapy visit, and I have Class. It is going to be a busy, but fun day! 

Saturday, November 13, 2004

November 13, 2004

Another busy week has passed! On Tuesday, J started showing signs of a cold. His nose was runny and he was coughing. He saw his pediatrician Wed though, for a normal check up, so the timing was good so to speak. The Doc listened to his lungs and they were clear. She advised Brett, who took him to the appt., to give him children's Tylenol cold. Also, during his visit, J had to get five shots! Poor thing had five little Band-Aids on his legs. One of the shots was the flu vaccine, which caused him to run a low-grade fever and not sleep very well Wed night. He is feeling much better now!

Brett and I are scheduled to have the final walk-through and closing next Wednesday (the 17th) on the house. As you can imagine, we are both very excited. We are also hopeful that the weather will not be too bad on moving day, the 20th. The cold we can handle, but if it rains or snows, we will have problems! 

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers about Jacob and our new home. We are grateful. 

Friday, November 5, 2004

November 5, 2004

Jacob went to see Dr. V. today. His left retina is still retracting although only a small portion has begun reattaching. Dr. V wants to keep watching it and maybe in a few months he will perform another surgery. We don't expect the left eye to do as well as the right, but we still have hope! 
J visited with Dr. Johnson, his ophthalmologist, on Monday. He has decided to increase the power of his contact lens. A new one was ordered and should be in within a week or so. So far, J has reacted well to his contact. Dr. Johnson agrees that there is a noticeable difference to his reaction to his surroundings. That's definitely a good sign!

Also, this week, Jacob worked with his physical therapist. She is very pleased with his progress and thinks he's on the right track to crawling. She gave us some exercises to try with him too. We hope he is crawling by Christmas! Wouldn't that be exciting!?

Sunday, October 31, 2004

October 31, 2004

I hope you all have a very safe and spooky Halloween! We decided not to dress J up this year since he is too young for trick-or-treating and we don't have any plans. We will next year though! 

November is going to be very busy for Jacob, Brett and myself. J has at least one appointment each week, I have a couple appointments, and of course, there is all the planning and preparation for our move on the 20th! Add school and work to that, and it will surely be busy! I will do my best to keep you updated as often as possible! 

Thank you everyone for your endless love and support. Jacob is a miracle, a Gift from God, a blessing. We wouldn't be this strong with out you.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

October 23, 2004

Jacob visited with two of his therapists on Thursday. Both were so happy to see how well Jacob is sitting up and controlling his head. They even heard him giggle! Brett and I are to continue doing crawling exercises with him and encourage him to reach for things and explore. In mid-November, Brett and I will be attending a satellite seminar documenting the research study of a child with ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity), which as many of you know, Jacob has. We hope to gain further insight on the condition and what researchers are working on for the future.

Everything with the house is going great. Unfortunately, we were not able to get any pictures of the inside during inspection this week to due the camera acting up. I have a feeling the problem is the cheep batteries I put in it. We are going to the house again this weekend, this time with a camera packed with name brand juice to hopefully get some pictures to share! 

Updates will be posted more frequently in the coming days and weeks as J has quit a few appointments coming up! Eye Doctor, Therapists, Pediatrician, etc. So check back often!

Monday, October 18, 2004

October 18, 2004

Boy, oh boy, Jacob's first tooth is really coming in! It's through the gum and feeling sharp, but it's not in all the way up quite yet. He is doing wonderfully with his contact lenses. Brett and I are happy it only has to be taken out and reinserted once a week, because J doesn't like it at all!! Although we hate making him mad, the contact has done so much for him already. We see him reacting more and noticing things in front of him. I think it is helping raise his head more as well. 

Things are rolling along with the home-hunt. We have found a great place in fact and submitted an offer. The offer was accepted and we should close on November 19th!! We are very excited. We knew finding a nice house in our price range wouldn't be easy, but just as we grew discouraged, there it was! It's a very cute place in a great neighborhood! Tomorrow we will be at the house for the inspection and will take some photos. I plan to share them with you soon!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

October 10, 2004

Jacob has done very well during his first week of wearing a contact lens. Tonight Brett will remove it (I can't handle anything eyeballs) to soak in solution over night, then he will put it back in tomorrow morning. We have noticed some changes in J's reactions with the contact. He notices toys when we place them in front of him and sees things coming toward his face, like a tissue to whip is nose. 

J saw his retinal Doc last week who was happy to report that J's left retina has begun retracting. Brett did not ask what percentage, but that is great news nonetheless. He will see him again in about a month. 

And in family news, things didn't work out with the house we were looking at, but we are now working with the owner of our town home who is a real estate agent. If the last year and a half has taught us anything, it is that everything happens for a reason and what is meant to be will be. We'll find a great home soon, I'm sure! 

Monday, October 4, 2004

October 4, 2004

There's a lot going on in Fighter Land! Today, Jacob went to see his Ophthalmologist who decided to try contact lenses with Jacob. What Brett and I didn't realize, was that we would talk about it and try it all in one visit. It was our understanding the contacts would have to be ordered. So, J came home with a new contact lens in his right eye. The nurse showed us how to insert and remove the lens. J will wear the lens for a week at a time (sleeping included), removing it only one night to clean. With proper care, the lens should last a year. That is if it doesn't pop out and we lose it! We also had J fitted for new frames. The frames we purchased a few months back are already too small for him (which was our reason for getting the contacts). We will use the new glasses as backup when the lens is taken out for cleaning and if it is ever lost/torn. 

In other fighter news... He is finally cutting his first tooth! Well, it hasn't actually "cut" yet, but there's a definitude bump on his lower gum and he is drooling puddles daily! We are very excited, although we hope the process picks up because J is very uncomfortable. My poor baby! 

In family news... Brett and I are in the process of buying our first home! We looked at a house last week and fell in love with it. We got word today that we pre-qualified for a loan so please wish us luck and keep us in your prayers!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

September 28, 2004

It's been a great week in Fighter Land! Late last week J met with a new therapist. She is a physical Therapist and will be helping J learn to crawl and eventually walk. In fact, she told Brett during her visit that J will be crawling by his original first Birthday date- Christmas. (I wasn't able to meet her, but Brett said she is very determined! I like that!) To help him get started, Brett and I purchased a walker from Toys R' Us. So far, he really enjoys it. He can't move it yet, but standing is good practice for him. 

Nothing new to report in the area of Doc visits, although he has a number of appointments in the coming weeks (most importantly with Dr. V. to see how well the recent surgery has helped his eye). We haven't noticed any drastic changes in the function of the left eye, but that doesn't mean its not getting better. We will know more soon!

Monday, September 20, 2004

September 20, 2004

Jacob continues to do well following his surgery. At a post-op visit last Friday, Dr. V saw no sign of infection and the retina has begun retracting. It is not reattaching yet, but retraction is a step in the right direction! And thanks to Brett's parents, we will be able to get contact lenses for Jacob next month. (Thanks again Grandma & Grandpa Smith).

Thursday, September 16, 2004

September 16, 2004

Jacob's eye surgery went very well today. He tolerated the anesthesia and intubation very well and after just two hours in recovery, was able to come home. Brett and I were so happy he didn't have to stay overnight. Dr. V will see J Friday morning for a post-op visit to make sure there are no signs of infection and to see if the retina has begun reacting to the procedure. (When the same procedure was performed on his right eye, the retina began retracting within 24 hours) He will definitely need a second surgery because Dr. V doesn't like to extend this type of surgery on an infant. Today's operation lasted just over two hours and he doesn't like to go beyond that. 

Before leaving the hospital, we stopped by the NICU to say hello. Everyone was so happy to see J! We shared with them the news about his right retina being 100% reattached and they were all so excited for him! It even surprised one of the Neonatologist's! Of course, while we were there I had to share the fact that I am going to school pursuing nursing. I was kind of silly about the whole thing, but what can I say, I'm pretty excited to be back in school!

Thank you for your positive thoughts and prayers for us, especially Jacob. We are grateful!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

September 14, 2004

A week without updates? My apologies! The past week has been so busy! This week will also be busy with J's VI (Visually Impaired) Playgroup at Rainbows United this afternoon, then his eye surgery on Thursday. Add to that the daily grind of work, school and housework and it makes for a busy week! Don't get me wrong, no matter how hard it gets, it's all worth it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

September 7, 2004

Jacob's eye surgery has been scheduled for Thursday September 16th. We will check in him at 7:30am. Due to his prematurity, he will probably have to stay overnight for observation. We hope the surgery helps the left eye as much as it did the right, but we will not get our hopes up since the left eye has remained unchanged for months. We ask that you please continue to pray for Jacob and his health and vision. Thank you!

Monday, September 6, 2004

September 6, 2004

It has been an amazing weekend! Jacob's party went very well and was so much fun! For those of you, who could not make it, please look at the pictures on the Photo Gallery, as well as the Yahoo! Album.

Although the frosting was a bit too sweet for him, J really enjoyed getting his hands into his birthday cake. Brett and I hardly saw him as he was passed from one person to the other most of the afternoon. He took a short nap late in the evening. We received many great gifts (lots of clothes!) and many donations to March of Dimes. We are so happy with how well the day went.

Thursday, September 2, 2004

September 2, 2004

Big News!!! Jacob went to see Dr. V., (his retinal specialist) today. His right retina is completely attached!! We are so happy! What a great first birthday present!! Dr. V said J should definitely have some vision in that eye but since the lens was removed during surgery in April, his ability to focus is not great. We will be pursuing the option of contact lenses to help with that. J's Pediatric Ophthalmologist takes care of that, so we will talk with him at J's appointment next week. 

Also, J will be having surgery on his left eye as a last attempt to help the retina reattach. He has done wonderfully with past surgeries and we agreed this could do nothing but good for the left eye, so why not try. The surgery has not been scheduled yet, but will most likely happen in the next week or two. The sooner the better, Dr. V says. Isn't God great?

Saturday, July 31, 2004

July 31, 2004

The upcoming week should be a good one for J. With the Ringworm nearly gone (Yay! finally!), his Therapist's will be able to visit him. He will also be seeing Dr. Huang, a Urologist, to follow up on the dilation if his kidney's, which began while he was still in the hospital. Also, this week, Grandma Smith will be coming to Wichita (from Dodge City, Ks.) to visit J and help me put together a NICU Graduation poster. When it is complete, I will have a color copy made for me, and then have it laminated to be displayed outside WMC's NICU. I have purchased the supplies and printed the pictures, it should be really fun to make!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

July 27, 2004

More than two weeks after we saw the first pink spot, Jacob's ringworm still lingers. Unfortunately that means he cannot visit with his Therapists this week. We hope the rash clears up in time for his next visit, which is scheduled for Monday August 2nd.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

July 24, 2004

I have good news! Today is the happiest I've been in a long time! While playing with Jacob this afternoon, Brett stuck his tongue out and wiggled it around without making any sounds and J laughed/smiled at him! And another cool sign- while editing pictures on the computer (of J and his Cousin Alec); I had to remove the red-eye from J's right eye! Red-eye shows up on pictures because light is reflected off the back of the eye! Oh, and another thing, J's right pupil is returning to it's normal shape, whereas before it was narrow and flat on top. (Dr. V. says that happens when there is fluid in the eye and the retina is not lying correctly). What a weekend! It's been so GREAT! Brett and I are SO happy!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

July 21, 2004

Thanks to everyone for your feedback on the redesigned site! Also, thanks for sending your addresses for J's big bash! For the most part, it will be an adult party, but there will still be balloons, cake and ice cream, that's for sure!

J's ringworm is getting better. He still has a few spots on his chest and back (one in the shape of a heart) but they are "crusting over" and will hopefully be gone soon! I have received contradicting reports on whether or not the rash is contagious. To be on the safe side, I am assuming it is and am taking the necessary precautions (hand washing, etc.).

Thursday, July 15, 2004

July 15, 2004

Wow, the feedback I have received for the redesigned site is amazing! I am so happy you all enjoy the new look! I have had a lot of fun putting it all together! Ok, now on to Jacob news! 
Monday afternoon Brett and I took J to see some of his old pals at the NICU. We were there dropping off some insurance papers and thought we'd stop by to see everyone. The Doc and nurse that admitted j when he was born weren't there, but we were able to see many other people who helped in his care. It was so nice, yet scary to be back there. 

On Tuesday, I took J to see his Pediatrician for a regular check-up. His weight is great, his tone and strength are great and the Doc still comments on how great his head shape is (for being a preemie). While we were there, Doc looked at a rash on J's leg that started late last week. (We called the office when we first saw it and were told to put Tinactin on it). Well, she confirmed that it was ringworm and advised that I continue the Tinactin (and to let her know if it became worse). At the time, I didn't think it was any big deal. It's just a rash, right? Wrong! Today one of J's Therapists came over and as soon as I told her about the ringworm, she said she couldn't work with him. I thought to myself, "why?" Because it's contagious- highly contagious! Uhm, had I known this I would not have taken J to visit the NICU and I would not have had any therapists come over! I guess the Pediatrician forgot to mention that little tidbit to me. 

So, yesterday I called the NICU to let them know, as well as my family, whom we spent Sunday evening with. I pray I haven't spread this evil rash to a bunch of other people, especially the kids! 

Sunday, July 11, 2004

July 11, 2004

It has been a great weekend! Last Thursday Brett and I took Jacob to Rainbows United for a VI (Visually Impaired) Playgroup. We met two mothers whose children have very little vision. It was very comforting to meet and talk to other parents who are going through what we are. The little ones interacted, played with new toys and had a lot of fun! We plan to meet again soon!

Party News: I have started the invite list and the time, etc. I plan to get the invitations out the first week of August! I am getting so excited; it is going to be a very emotional day! If you didn't see the note on the homepage, I need your address!

Wednesday, July 7, 2004

July 7, 2004

Great News! Jacob went to see Dr. V. (Retinal Doctor) today and he was very happy to see that J’s right retina has improved! Although we don't know what percentage of the retina is attached, we do know it has gotten better. This is such a blessing considering his left eye has little chance of improving. Please keep J in your prayers as we continue to hope for the best vision possible for our Fighter!

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

July 6, 2004

I have good news to share today! Jacob went to his Pediatric Ophthalmologist this morning and things went very well. While looking at J's right eye, the Doctor saw what he described as a "streak," which is a reflection off the retina. That means part of the retina is definitely attached! A very good sign! =) Still no change with the left eye. When J visits Dr. V. (The retinal Doc who has been seeing J since soon after birth for his retinal disorder) we should have even more insight on the progress of the right retina. 

J had a great time celebrating his first 4th of July! He laid on a blanket in the grass and was hugged and kissed by many! Once it started getting dark, I took him inside though because of all the bugs! And he did very well with all the noise of fireworks outside! Oh and how could I forget? J turned 10 months old on the 4th! How exciting! I'm so proud of him!

Friday, April 30, 2004

April 30, 2004

Well, I should have a report from the eye doctor, but leave to Brett and I to sleep right through the appointment! Oops! I rescheduled it for Tuesday the 4th at 1pm.

Have a great weekend! We will be back from KC on Monday with plenty of pictures and an update!

Thursday, April 29, 2004

April 29, 2004

Ouch! Jacob had to get a shot today! Poor little guy! He got his last RSV shot for the season. Thank goodness, it has worked and he has been healthy thus far!

Jacob visited with two Rainbows therapists this week. Both feel he is developing very well. They recommended exercises for him to help with his neck and torso strength. After just a few days, he is making good progress- holding his head up more and for longer periods.

This weekend, Brett and I will be taking Jacob to the Kansas City area (His first road trip!!) where he will visit with family, including his Great Grandma Smith, for the first time. My sister, Aunty Pam, will be coming along too. I plan to take many pictures!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

April 25, 2004

It's been a relaxing weekend here at the Smith home. We stayed in on Friday (after returning from the hospital) and most of Saturday due to the nasty weather. Saturday evening though, we took Jacob shopping and to get some dinner. We must have timed things right because J stayed asleep the whole time.

Jacob is doing very well post-surgery. His eye is red, but that is to be expected. We give him an eye drop four times a day, which has an antibiotic and steroid to help the incision site heal. He will have a follow-up visit with Dr. V. later this week.

Jacob's weight is now 11lbs 5oz!

Friday, April 23, 2004

April 23, 2004

Good morning! Jacob's surgery went very well. As I explained earlier, Dr. Varenhorst first examined his eyes under anesthesia, and then made the decision to do surgery. He performed a Vitrectomy, the same procedure he did in March, removing scar tissue to help more of the retina re-attach. About 20% of the retina has attached- hopefully the percentage will increase following yesterday's surgery. As for the left eye, no decision was made. He would like to do as much as he can to the better eye first, and then decided about the left. I pray Jacob comes through all this with functional vision.

Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and support. We wouldn't be able to get through all this without you.

Monday, April 19, 2004

April 19, 2004

Brett and I have taken some pictures of Jacob and his adorable smile- Check out the new pics on the Yahoo album! (Link on homepage)

Get ready to see an even chunkier Jacob! Late last week I started adding rice cereal to J's formula (once a day). Having a fuller belly means sleeping longer, so I give it to him in his evening feeding. That lets Mommy get more sleep too! Also, in the next week or two (depending on Brett's next weekend off) we are going to take Jacob to meet his Great Grandmother (Brett's Grandmother) Bernita "Bunny" Smith, in Overland Park, Kansas.

Monday, April 12, 2004

April 12, 2004

Jacob's eye appointment with Doctor Varenhorst this morning went very well. Both eyes still look the same. In the right eye, the last surgery didn’t help some scar tissue, so Dr. V would like to perform another exam under anesthesia at the hospital. If he thinks further surgery would help, he will do it at that time. We will check Jacob in at the hospital at 7am on April 22nd. Whether or not the exam turns into surgery, he will have to stay overnight as a precaution due to his prematurity. Nothing was discussed regarding the left eye (Brett took Jacob alone this time), but I would imagine Dr. V wants to do what he can with the better eye, the right, then try to help the left.

I have faith that everything will be ok, and that Jacob will come out of this with some vision. I dread having to take him to the hospital again, but I will be a strong Mommy for him!

Saturday, April 10, 2004

April 10, 2004

Happy Easter weekend to everyone! We don't have any big plans for Jacob's first Easter. Grandma Smith was going to visit from Dodge City, Kansas but decided to wait until next weekend when Grandpa can come too. We may take Jacob to my parent’s house tomorrow for a relaxing afternoon, but plans are still in the works.

Last night Jacob had a great time, and received lots of attention at "Band Practice." (For those that don't know, My Dad has been in a band with a close family friend since I was a toddler. They met and started playing music back when we lived in California, then years later both of our families moved to Kansas.) There were old friends and new friends with plenty of people taking turns holding the Fighter! I thought all the excitement would have Jacob sleep through the night- wishful thinking!

Monday morning Jacob will see Dr. V for another eye exam. I will update the site as soon as I can! Please keep J in your prayers!

Tuesday, April 6, 2004

April 6, 2004

Wow, it's hard to believe the Fighter is seven months old! Of course, he isn't where a seven month old should be developmentally, but he'll catch up! He is starting to smile a lot and I know it won't be long before we hear a laugh. Right now, he does make a noise when he smiles, but it's not quite a laugh yet. Also, when something is placed in his hand, like a rattle for example, he holds on tight and swings his arm around for a few seconds before letting go! It is so exciting to see him grow and develop!

Sunday, April 4, 2004

April 3, 2004

Things in Fighter Land are just great. I finally broke out the 3-6 month clothes and washed them. Some of the pants are still a bit too big, but he'll grow into them. On Tuesday, a Speech Therapist with Rainbows United came over to visit with Jacob. She suggested we continue using the Haberman nipple Jacob has been using since he was in the hospital, as well as continue giving him chin and cheek support to help him make a good seal around the bottle. The therapist also recommended we start giving Jacob rice cereal. I bought some and will start that soon!

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

January 28, 2004

Unfortunately, Tuesday's eye exam didn't go well for the Fighter. Not only is his left eye worsening, but the right, which has been stable for the past month, is worse also. Dr. Varenhorst will continue to check him weekly for the time being and later consider a more invasive surgery involving surgically reattaching the retina. Another surgery would mean long anesthesia time, re-intubation and, due to the vascularity of his eyes, the possibility of hemorrhaging. I will continue to update you on his condition and in the meantime ask for your prayers that Jacob will come through this with enough vision to function. 

Mommy News: Today I officially resigned as proofreader for Feist Publications, Inc. Though I greatly enjoyed my job and those that I worked with, I decided to pursue an opportunity that would allow me to work from home. I work for www.insitemotion.com as the Senior Editor. After training is completed, I will be working 75% of the time from home. I feel very blessed.

Monday, January 26, 2004

January 26, 2004

No updates in a week? I'm a terrible Mom! No, I'm kidding! We had some major problems going on with our computer, which prevented me from editing the site. Forgive me and please read on for the lasted on the Fighter. 

At 8lbs, the Fighter is doing great! Though he's nearing his 5-month birthday, he has just started acting like a newborn baby. Sleep through the night? No, not Jacob. But that's ok! He can sleep whenever he wants. We all know that's not the best way to get him on a schedule, but after all he's been through, why not let him do whatever he wants? After all, he deserves it.

- Jacob had an eye exam last Monday, which went well. His left eye, the one the Scleral Buckling surgery was performed on, isn't improving. The right eye on the other hand, is looking good. He will visit with Dr. Varenhorst again Jan 27th and will most likely continue weekly visits.

On Sunday, January 25th, a "thank you" note printed in the Wichita Eagle, Wichita's newspaper, thanking the staff of Wesley Medical Center's NICU for all they did for Jacob. The note read, "To the staff of Wesley Medical Center's NICU; Words cannot express our gratitude for your medical expertise and emotional support during the most difficult time of our lives. Because of you, our son, a 24-week preemie, is home healthy today. God bless you all. Sincerely, Brett and Trish Smith." Saying thank you in the newspaper was the least I could do for the people that kept my son alive and kept Brett and I emotionally stable. They are truly amazing.